How to Make Your Life Extraordinary -

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hey there this is leo founder of actualized org and stick with me here because what I'm about to tell you in this video is going to change your life have you ever been to a movie or seen a movie maybe something like Braveheart or Troy or 300 one of those epic dramas that at the end of it it literally chokes you up or you get tears in your eyes why does that happen what I would say is the reason that happens is because you see the characters in that movie living for something and fighting for something that's greater than themselves they have some sort of mission some sort of purpose some sort of vision and some sort of ideals that they need to fight for whether it's love or its freedom or anything like that and when we see that and we see those characters fighting for it and we see those characters giving their all going full out and not holding back we reflect on that and we see that our own potential is being squandered we see ourselves not living up to our full potential like the characters on the screen and that makes us literally cry life is short I hope you realize that one of the things that I was blessed with I don't think that I'm different than anybody else that I'm cut from a different cloth but one of the gifts that I've been blessed with is that I've always understood that life is short and then we've got this one chance and that it's worth it to try to make something big out of it it's worth it to live big and not small and that to me what I really want out of life is I want everything I want excitement I want engagement I want fulfillment and I don't want to just hum along and be mediocre and be comfortable and it really kills me because I have so many ideas for what I want to create in life so many visions and these visions there and these ideas they're bigger than myself and I can literally make myself cry because I see the potential that I have in the potential that I'm leaving on the table and I'm not stepping into that I'm not realizing and it's really been a struggle for me these last five years trying to figure out what my purpose is in life how do I get myself engaged with it again and how do I stay on track because that feeling I don't know if you felt this but you've probably gotten a glimpse of this that feeling of pride that you get when you set a vision for yourself something big something Noble and then you actually go out there and achieve it and you work really hard you struggle through the challenges you build yourself up you learn new skills you develop yourself you challenge yourself emotionally and in every possible way physically but then you finally achieve it you realize that vision and then you see the smile that that effect puts on other people so whether it was a business that you were starting or some charity work that you were doing or raising your family or whatever seeing the smile of you putting your best into it on other people's faces that is the best feeling in the world and that pride that you get that you knew that you had to tap into your full potential to get there you knew that that vision when you came up with it was bigger than your current capabilities you didn't have the skills you have the knowledge you didn't have the resources you didn't have the inner psychology the mindsets and beliefs you needed but something in that vision was so compelling that you just said you know what screw it I'm gonna go for it I'm gonna achieve it I'm gonna try and then when you did and you finally got it you reflect back on everything that you persevered through that was the best moment of your life for me there have been cases in my life where I've had that numerous cases but also inconsistent a lot of times it was a year of that and then a year off or it was a week of that and then months nothing just humming along life being mediocre so if you've ever experienced that then you've probably been frustrated and you've probably also wondered how do you make that more consistent how do you stay on track with that kind of purpose or maybe you're the kind of person that doesn't really know what they want out of life right now and but you you just have a sense that there's more to life than what you've been getting out of it maybe you already have a comfortable job maybe you already have a good relationship maybe you're already happy with your health but you know also that there's more that there's more to be had you don't have that kind of excitement that you see other people's having you don't have the kind of fulfillment that you see other people having and you know that you have dreams you have grander visions for yourself the kind of impact that you want to make in the world but you haven't really figured out how to go out there and do it for whatever reason maybe it's because you literally don't know what the next step is or maybe it's because you've been trying at it and you've been struggling but you've been self sabotaging and you've been not getting the kind of results that you want to get from your efforts so whatever that is I've been there my own story really starts when when I was a kid when I was six years old my parents brought me and my brother to to the United States from Russia I was born in Russia and that's where I grew up for six years of my life and then they brought me to the States and I remember this very distinctly that those first few days being in the States were some of the most vivid memories that I still have seeing the abundance that is here walking through a grocery store and seeing towering aisles of produce kind of abundance that he's just taken for granted nowadays and I take it for granted nowadays but at that time it was something special to me because I came from a place where that didn't exist and I specifically remember my parents taking us to Toys R Us a couple days after we came to the States and they said that we could each have one toy of our choice I wasted my choice on some little flimsy paper airplane or a plastic airplane and my brother he got a gameboy he was he was a smart one he got a game one I remember looking to that screen as he was playing it and seeing the pixels moving around on that screen and just being so so captivated so enthralled by that that I knew that that's what I wanted to do I wanted to create that I wanted to create those pixels and I wanted to make them move and I wanted to make games and since I was six years old I knew that I wanted to be a game designer it's a long story short eventually after college I ended up getting landing a good game design job in Boston but the problem was that I really didn't I wasn't really in touch enough with myself my own psychology to figure out how to make that job a success part of the problem was that I got there and I started feeling inadequate because I thought that I was this awesome designer and then when I got there I saw all these other awesome designers and suddenly that put me my place and all the sudden I knew that it wasn't talent that I had to that I had to work off of it was a it was development I had to develop myself all of a sudden and that came as a bit of a shock but then eventually what I what made me leave that job is the want to have a certain impact with my career that I just knew I couldn't have at that company even though it was one of the best companies in the world I knew that I had to make the bold choice to go off on my own and do something myself and that's when I started my own business but part of the challenge there was that after I did start my business I started to lose touch with my initial purpose because the business that I started was in internet marketing it wasn't related to games and when I what happened was that when I made that choice to shift from games to bit to business to internet marketing is that I lost touch with that original dryed that I had and I was no longer passionate and engaged I wasn't driven by something bigger than myself I was driven mostly by money at that point it's an external success and over the next few years I got that external success and I got all that money and I was more miserable than ever and so at that point I really turned to personal development as a success I started reading books I started listening to lectures I started listening to seminars and attending trainings and figuring out you know what is necessary to get this part of life handled because I wasn't I wasn't satisfied with being mediocre and I got tired of just earning money being depressed and miserable all the time because I wasn't passionate about what I was doing and so I had to struggle through this idea I had to really struggle through the doubt as to whether it's possible to even find a life purpose because that original purpose that I had being a game designer that came to me unconsciously that came to me by accident really if I wasn't there that day at toys-r-us and my brother didn't get that Gameboy perhaps I would never have wanted to become a designer and so I figured you know how do I replace that I through that purpose away I turned my back on it how do I find a new purpose is that even possible and so what I did is I spent several years trying to figure that out and only just a couple of months ago did I really hone in on it and I really developed that that drive that I had again and that kind of drive is just so amazing if you don't have that in your life frankly I feel a little bit sorry for you because you're never gonna feel what life is really about you're never gonna feel the kind of excitement that you can feel the kind of pride that you can feel the kind of impact that you can have on other people see I want you to start seeing yourself as a creator I always have seen myself as a creator and not necessarily as a creative person or an artistic person but it creates her that means that you're someone who has a vision for what you want to manifest in the world and that can happen in any kind of way that can either be literally through painting and art and music or it can be by designing great games or it can be by being an engineer that creates amazing amazing products are amazing processes or it can be by being a product designer or creating your own business it can be starting a charity it can be helping people with your understanding and your wisdom and your expertise and figuring out how to translate that knowledge to them so that it helps their their lives it can be about raising a great family it can be about having amazing relationships and contributing everything that you can to that relationship it can be about helping your friends whatever it is it's still you creating creating means that you have of an idea in your mind some sort of vision and it's compelling enough for you that you're willing to sacrifice for it and it's something that's gonna make a positive change in the world it's something that's new right this is of course the opposite of what a lot of people do a lot of people do the opposite by getting a job something that they're comfortable in and just working at it not really caring about what they're doing and just kind of humming along and living a comfortable kind of life you know that's easy to do nowadays a lot of people actually still struggle even with that but nowadays that's pretty easy to do you can go to college you can get a degree you can go and find a reasonably well-paying job and then you can find yourself a good spouse and you can find yourself some good friends and you can get your family situation relatively well handled and you can get your fitness taken care of you know how to moderate level and you're going to be happy life you're going to be comfortable the challenge though is that you probably also see that there's more if you settle for a mediocre life then you also settle for a certain just kind of a baseline satisfaction but not real excitement are you excited to actually wake up in the morning if you're not then something is missing you don't have that purpose you don't have that drive and I want to tell you that it's possible to get it don't doubt that it's not see one of the biggest misconceptions and one of the biggest things I think that keeps people from pursuing this path of excellence pursuing this path of purpose and vision and create creation ship is that they think that people that are creators are somehow different then than you so you might be that sitting there and thinking well that's all well and good but I'm just not that kind of person I've never been driven I've never been that motivated I've never been excited to jump out of bed and the reason that is is not because you're cut from a different cloth or that I'm different than you somehow it's just that you haven't found that you yet and that's what actualized artwork is about is about helping you unleash your full potential strategies to do that and figuring out you know what does it take I've spent really the last five years studying this stuff I'm I'm on track to process about a hundred thousand dollars worth of the best books and seminars and video products and trainings on success psychology human development human potential peak performance and business and marketing right because all of these areas were necessary to study for me to build a model of what it takes to get this handled to get an exciting kind of life created because it's not just about getting one piece of your life into place it's get about getting them all into place and design that awesome life so that you have an awesome career so that you have awesome relationships so that you have good health so that you are free and have the time and the money to do the things that you want to do recreationally so you have an awesome lifestyle so that you're living in a city and a country and in the house that you kind of want to live in and you have time to travel and do whatever else is important for you in your life getting all of that into place it's critical but it all start with it all starts with that foundation of being a creator and contributing something to the world having that kind of vision and if you're not there yet right now if you just maybe have kind of a standard 95 job something that just pays the bills you can get there make your purpose right now to get that exciting kind of life and then that does mean you'll get it tomorrow you're gonna have to work for it it took me five years to really spend a lot of time working on it I have to read through literally hundreds of books and talk to experts and go on some amazing adventures to figure this stuff out and I'm still working through a lot of it but the idea here is that I want to plant the seed in you that this is possible not only is it possible it's really the the most that you can do with your life I mean what else are you gonna be doing with your life are you gonna be watching TV are you gonna be sitting at home are you gonna be going to a boring nine-to-five job is that what you want or do you want something more do you want to contribute I really challenge you to make your life big make your to make your life about contribution to other people and then getting it back in return so I don't do this out of some altruistic mother Theresa type of philosophy what I'm what I'm doing here is actually very selfishly driven I want to feel good I want feel excited I want to feel engaged I want to be happy and the reason and the only way that I found to do that is by creating to get the kind of financial abundance that I want the best way to do it is not through some get-rich-quick scheme it is but by creating it is about contributing to others because when you contribute to others and what you're passionate about is gonna come back to you not in some area fairy way but in a very tangible way because you're going to be creating the most value that you can create this is really a strategy to create a lot of value and to tap into that strategy you need its happen to your passion so I talk strategy here and this is really what actually I don't get about because one of the things by going through all this self-development literature and success literature all these seminars and products one of the things that I found missing was that few products or books out there give you the biggest picture give you the high-level and what I found is that it's not about the how - there's so much how-to information out there in society nowadays you can go and Google for an article or a video that will tell you how to do pretty much anything any skill that you want to learn anything from playing a guitar to learning to program to building your own website to starting a business to getting your marriage back on track to getting your fitness back on track all of that is out there the problem though is that we don't utilize those resources and the reason is that we're not engaged we're not properly motivated we don't have the big picture understanding of what we're doing with our lives so for me actualize that our work is really about giving you the concepts and the strategies the big picture so that you can be independent minded and you can be an effective general in your own life of course we're also going to cover the techniques and the little tips and the strategies that you can I mean not strategies but the tactics rather that you can use to implement this stuff I can give you a one-two-three checklist that you can go out there and do tomorrow to really improve some aspect of your life whatever it is but I also want you to be an independent thinker and I want you to understand why you're doing I want you to have the drive so that when I'm not there whispering in your ear you are there whispering in your own ear and that takes an understanding of inner game building the kind of mindsets that you need to build to be happy in life because the other thing that I found through my journey is that external rewards are really not as fulfilling as we think they are and we know this intuitively but still we chase after them but here's the thing is that you can have all the money and you can have the ripped six-pack and you can have the perfect spouse and you could have the awesome house and you can even be doing all the traveling that you want to do and you're still not going to be happy and the reason that is is because your inner game is not going to be dialed in your psychology you need to have a certain emotional mastery in order to be happy and successful in life you need to have a certain self-awareness you need to have a certain appreciation for knowledge and a certain understanding of how life works and what it takes to be successful and also kind of an understanding of your own self and what drives you because you're different in some level I want to say that you're the same as everyone else but on some level you're also unique and different you're the same in that we're all humans and we're all driven by certain psychological tendencies of success that are that are easy to explain and easy to apply and they will apply across the board it no matter what race you are what country you're from what social condition of whatever financial condition you're in or whatever but there's also unique things about you and the unique parts about you or what we want to bring forward and what we want to bring into your creatorship right this is what do you want to contribute what do you find meaningful and I really challenge you to find something that's meaningful in your life you know going back to that that point about people crying at movies because you see the potential and you see these characters that are fighting for something that's bigger than life well I want to challenge you to have something in your life that you're willing to die for because if you don't have something in your life that you're willing to die for and you haven't articulated that to yourself whatever it is maybe it's your family maybe it's your job maybe it's your business whatever something then you're not gonna be engaged you're not going to be as engaged and you know what the world the future is going to go to the people that are most engaged and that figure out how to engage themselves because the last century was about being a factory worker and doing what your boss told you to do and fitting into society and being a cog in the machine and that was good you know you can get a steady paycheck doing that and live a relatively comfortable life but that's not the case anymore nowadays with cheap labor from overseas from sort of third world countries the future is not going to be about up being a factory worker it's about being a creator and it's about taking your unique talents your unique perspective on life and sharing that through some sort of vehicle with the world and then of course setting that up so that you get value back in return so that maybe you're creating business out of it that pays for your family and for you or maybe it's about going to work for an awesome company that will compensate you fairly for what you're doing but it's about finding out what it is that you want to contribute and then contributing that I really believe that in the next in the 21st century the next hundred years that this is going to be the major shift in humanity is that fewer people are going to be doing mundane jobs that require no creative creative input no artists no artistic no artistic endeavors to transition where everybody's going to be doing that and everyone's gonna be striving for that because first of all that's where you get your fulfillment from second of all that's where the most value is generated for other people so if you want to be wealthy if you want to be rich counter-intuitively the best way to do that is not to go after some get-rich-quick scheme it's about taking a more steady approach understanding yourself and figuring out what kind of vision is going to be valuable for the world and getting that vision to also be aligned with you so it's not about just doing something for the world that you don't want to do it's the exact opposites about figuring out what do you want to do the most that also the world wants and then going out and figuring out how do I live my life with all that so here's the thing as I've talked about before it's very easy for us to be in a place of comfort right here you know you can be earning a decent paycheck paying your bills and being in a place of comfort but then when you have that vision you have that dream of something that you want to accomplish in life well usually what that means the reason that it's compelling for you is because it's a lofty goal it's something that you know you're gonna have to work towards yourself and you're gonna have to grow into it because right now your current capabilities are simply not enough to accomplish that right and so the challenge then becomes how do you grow into that what is the process what kind of strategies do you need what kind of techniques do you need what kind of things they need to be aware of what kind of pitfalls are on that on that journey and that's what actually eyes that orgas here to help you do on the one hand we're here to find it I hope you find out what is that vision let's clarify it let's make it really well articulated so that you're on track and then once we have you pointed in the right direction if you've ever been on track you also know it's easy to get off track so part of this here is to provide you with the really the inner game the mindset the resources the psychological resources that you need to keep yourself on track right because that's what I want for you I don't want you to experience just a little flash in the pan of excitement and fulfillment I want that to be sustainable in your life in fact I wanted to grow every year I wanted to increase every year and what I found is that I struggle to do this everyone struggles to do this if you think that successful people and creators out there somehow just have this naturally handled you're dead wrong and in fact that's one of the biggest misconceptions I think that keeps people from getting on this on track here because you will be challenging yourself there are no easy answers you're gonna have to work for it I'm not promising any any magic magic pills here what I am certain that I can do for you and the value that I can provide to you is I can show you how to cut your learning curve because man do I wish that someone had this conversation with me five years ago it would have really helped me figure stuff out and a lot of the things that I'm sharing with you on this website the free videos the articles all the downloads are here to help you figure this stuff out because I want you to be engaged with your life because that's what my purpose is at this point I've transitioned and I've designed my life in order to be able to do what I'm doing right now this is all I do is I study success and human psychology try to figure out how I can go without there and apply it in my life so that my life is improved and I'm getting the kind of engagement and success that I want for myself and then I figure out and look at how it can be applied to other people I research I study I shoot videos I write articles I talk to people about this stuff I interview people and then I come out here and I want to share this knowledge and this wisdom with you so take advantage of it don't leave this information just rolling around in your head I want you to go out there and take action and watch all the videos and take all the resources to heart and really challenge yourself to get excited about your life so if this is something that is compelling for you then I really encourage you to go ahead and take some action here sign up for the free newsletter no strings attached no spam here's how it's gonna work by signing up you're gonna get instant access to an exclusive video that's not posted anywhere else that's gonna tell you the 10 top dream killers as I call them these are the things that people do that keep them from achieving their dreams and keep them from living that life of a vision of creatorship so I'm going to talk about that in that video you're gonna get instant access to it when you sign up through email and then of course you're gonna get email updates with all future articles and videos that I publish and I do that about on a weekly basis so a lot of good stuff all free go ahead and sign up right now and you're gonna be set with with all the future updates the other thing that I want you to do is I want you to get engaged here I want you to contribute to this website I want you to contribute to my youtube channel I want you to contact me I want you to leave comments I want you to discuss the challenges that you've had in your life because I'm genuinely interested in this I've had my own challenges they're unique and I think that I found a lot of strategies that will work across the board for different people I know things that you should not do that will definitely not work for you and I know some things that will definitely work for you and then some things vary as to how effective they are based on your own personal psychology and past experiences and values and so I want to hear what are your challenges what are your biggest frustrations right now with maybe your job or you life or your career or your business or your fitness level or your relationships whatever tell me about that tell me about what strategies you found worked and tell me what I can do to help you what kind of questions can I answer what kind of videos can I create what kind of articles can I create what kind of products and services can I offer you to help you on that on that path because what I'm really about is results I don't want to just theorize about this stuff I don't want to about it I'm hard-nosed kind of guy I like to see the results I like to feel the results otherwise I feel like I'm wasting my time and so I want the same for you I want to create really a database of resources for for people in the future to be able to reference and quickly get the kind of results in their life that they want so be sure to comment in the in the comment boxes below send me emails shoot me up on Facebook or Twitter or one of the other social channels and I look forward to hearing from you and I look forward to hearing also about the successes that you get tell me about the stuff that's worked for you and tell me also about the stuff that hasn't worked so that I can tweak it improve it and we can get you on track with an engaging exciting life the kind of life that you know you want